Monday, April 28, 2014

April 28, 2014
On MLK day, helping the unemployed is a moral issue
            This article January this year talks about the impact of public policy on citizens not being able to find jobs. The author, Raphael Wornock, states that African-Americans are being impacted disproportionately by unemployment. Economic policy is always one of the most important things on the president’s political agenda, and Obama has worked hard to improve the job outlooks of many. Unemployment trends show that it is on its way down, however long term unemployment is still very high. This is extremely bad because when unemployment checks run out, the people have no source of income whatsoever. Wornock goes on to state that African-American unemployment will increase if unemployment insurance is cut now. I believe that Wornock is correct in this assertion. I do not believe that unemployment insurance gives people a reason not to work. They will still be motivated to find a job, regardless of this benefit or not. I do not see why unemployment insurance is cut after a certain amount of time for reasons other than this, and I do not believe this is a very good reason.

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